长江中下游的地理位置和适宜的气候条件 ,决定了害鼠的种类丰富、繁殖力高。而灭鼠方法不科学和气候变化以及人类活动的影响 ,使鼠密度维持在较高水平 ,危害区域不断扩展。为了维护生态平衡和保护环境 ,促进农业可持续发展 ,对目前在鼠害防治中存在的滥用急性灭鼠剂和不科学的灭鼠方法必须予以重视。有必要掌握害鼠的发生发展规律 ,在鼠害防治中树立生态与综合治理的观念 ,加强科普宣传力度 ,提高群众的生态和环保意识 ,使用先进科学的灭鼠方法。众多的江河湖泊及每年水位的变化影响着该地害鼠种群的发生发展 ,经常暴发的洪灾有引发鼠传疾病流行的可能 ,灾后必须注意防治鼠害。重大水利工程对引起某些害鼠的暴发成灾方面已有正反两方面的经验 ,长江三峡工程也将对某些害鼠的发生发展产生影响。
Rattus norvegicus, R.flavipectus, Mus musculus, R.losea, Apodemus agrarius, R.nitidus and Microtus fortis are common pest species in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtse River. The population densities of those species are high, due to the geographic location and the suitable climate condition of this region, combining with the abuse of rodenticide and its damage to environment. Climatic changes (e.g. green house effect) and the economic activities of human may be responsible for the range expansion of some species. The rodent pests in this region cause serious damages on agriculture as well as harm the health of people by spreading diseases. It is important to educate people to understand the biological and the ecological characteristics of rodent pests and infuse people with the knowledge of environment protection and the integrated management of rodent pests.The middle and lower reach of the Yangtse River is a calamitous region of flood. Flood temporarily declines population densities of rodent. However, the reproduction of rodent is rapid and their population even increases after a flood. During flood period, rodent borne diseases are easily transmitted, and therefore close attention should be paid on rodent pests at this stage. Water conservancy projects also affect the population fluctuation and distribution of rodent pests. It is expected that when the Three Gorge project is completed, environmental changes in this region would have an impact on some rodent species.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica
中国科学院"九五"重大资助项目 (KZ95 1 B1 10 6 2 )
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向资助项目 (KZCX2SW415)
国家科技攻关资助项目 ( 96 0 0 5 0 1 0 6)
Rodent pests
Sustainable development of agriculture
Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtse River