

The pregnancy childbirth way again after cesarean section
摘要 目的:探究剖宫产术后再次妊娠的分娩方式。方法:选择我院自2015年1月-2016年12月收治的212例剖宫产术后再次妊娠的孕妇,根据分娩指征分为经阴道分娩组和剖宫产组,经阴道分娩组102例,剖宫产组110例,对两组患者的住院时间、出血量及并发症发生情况进行比较。结果:阴道分娩组与剖宫产住院时间及出血量对比,前者均低于后者,P<0.05;阴道分娩组并发症发生率为1.96%,剖宫产并发症发生率为27.27%,两组对比,P<0.05。结论:于剖宫产术后再次妊娠者,如没有明确的手术指征,应尽量选择阴道试产,进而减少并发症的发生,提高产妇分娩后身体恢复速度。 Objective to explore the pregnancy childbirth way again after cesarean section.Methods:select our hospital from January 2015-December 2016 212 cases of pregnancy pregnant again after cesarean section,according to the indications of delivery can be divided into the vaginal delivery and cesarean section group,the vaginal delivery group 102 examples,110cases of cesarean delivery group,on the length of hospital stay,the two groups of patients with blood loss and complications were compared.Results:vaginal delivery group compared with cesarean delivery in hospital time and blood loss,the former than the latter,P <0.05;The complication rate of vaginal delivery group was 1.96%,the complication rate of cesarean section was 27.27%,compared two groups,P < 0.05.Conclusion:in pregnancy again after cesarean section,such as no clear surgical indications,should try to choose vaginal trial production,thereby reducing the occurrence of complications,improve maternal physical recovery after childbirth.
作者 罗英
出处 《健康之路》 2017年第2期10-10,共1页 Health Way
关键词 剖宫产术 再次妊娠 分娩方式 cesarean section Pregnancy again Delivery way
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