
环境心理学在城市广场设计中的应用研究(英文) 被引量:1

Application of Environment Psychology in City Square Design
摘要 Concept of city square was introduced and believed as an important component of urban landscape and also a major space for urban residents' activities. Beauty of city square lies in the interaction between environment and social behaviors. By introducing the two-way interaction between city square and users, behavior psychology was proposed as the foundation of environment design of plaza. As more and more attention is given to humancentered design of outdoor spaces, environment psychology has gradually been more applied in the design of various urban landscape spaces. In view of problems in the present square design, relevant theories of environment psychology were introduced to analyze psychological needs and behavior characteristics of people in outdoor spaces, and techniques for human- centered designs of city square explored to build public spaces for city dwellers. Concept of city square was introduced and believed as an important component of urban landscape and also a major space for urban residents’ activities. Beauty of city square lies in the interaction between environment and social behaviors. By introducing the two-way interaction between city square and users, behavior psychology was proposed as the foundation of environment design of plaza. As more and more attention is given to humancentered design of outdoor spaces, environment psychology has gradually been more applied in the design of various urban landscape spaces. In view of problems in the present square design, relevant theories of environment psychology were introduced to analyze psychological needs and behavior characteristics of people in outdoor spaces, and techniques for human- centered designs of city square explored to build public spaces for city dwellers.
作者 张玮
出处 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2012年第6期11-12,14,共3页 景观研究(英文版)
关键词 City SQUARE Environment PSYCHOLOGY HUMAN-CENTERED design Boundary effect Personal space BUBBLES City square, Environment psychology, Human-centered design, Boundary effect, Personal space bubbles
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