
NLFM-Costas射频隐身雷达信号设计及分析 被引量:6

Design and analysis of NLFM-Costas RF stealth radar signal
摘要 为了降低雷达信号被无源探测系统截获的概率,本文提出了脉间Costas频率编码、脉内非线性调频的NLFM-Costas复合信号,理论上分析了信号模型,通过数值仿真得到NLFM-Costas信号的功率谱(PSD)、模糊函数、峰值旁瓣电平(PSL)和积分旁瓣电平(ISL)等。结果表明,NLFM-Costas复合信号具有近似"图钉型"模糊函数,自相关性能良好。该信号相比NLFM信号、Costas信号及LFM-Costas复合信号均具有更好的射频隐身性能,在现代战场环境下具有良好的应用前景。 This paper presents the Nonlinear Frequency Modulation(NLFM)-Costas hybrid signal with the complex methods of interpulse Costas frequency coded modulation and intrapulse Nonlinear Frequency Modulation(NLFM).The signal construction is analyzed in theory and four critical parameters are obtained,such as Power Spectrum Density(PSD),ambiguity function,Peak Sidelobe Level(PSL)and Integral Sidelobe Level(ISL).The experimental results show that the NLFM-Costas hybrid signal has the'thumbtack'ambiguity function and better autocorrelation property.The NLFM-Costas signal can achieve better RF stealth performance than NLFM signal or Costas signal or LFM-Costas hybrid signal and it has good application prospects in modern battlefield environment.
作者 付银娟 李勇 徐丽琴 张昆辉 FU Yin-juan;LI Yong;XU Li-qin;ZHANG Kun-hui(Department of Electronics Engineering,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi′an 710072,China)
出处 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期994-999,共6页 Journal of Jilin University:Engineering and Technology Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(61402365)
关键词 信息处理技术 射频隐身 截获因子 模糊函数 自相关函数 峰值旁瓣电平 积分旁瓣电平 information processing technology RF stealth intercept factor ambiguity function autocorrelation function peak sidelobe level(PSL) integral sidelobe level(ISL)
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