

On the Scientific structure of the "Core Curriculum" of General Education in Applied Private Colleges and Universities——Taking Jilin Animation College as an example
摘要 在各大高校都积极开展通识教育的大背景下,通识教育还是面临着诸多问题,比如开设课程有限、课时有限,学生重视程度不够,育人功能不足等等。特别是民办高校向应用技术型大学转型的过程中,通识教育扮演了重要的角色,承载着培育'全面的人'的功能。通识教育核心课程的合理架构能够更好地凸显出应用型民办高校的特色,培养更多德才兼备的应用型人才。 Under the background of actively carrying out general education in colleges and universities,general education is still facing many problems,such as limited curriculum,limited class hours,insufficient attention of students,insufficient educational function and so on.Especially in the process of transformation from private colleges and universities to applied technology universities,general education plays an important role and carries the function of cultivating'a comprehensive person'.The reasonable structure of the core curriculum of general education can better highlight the characteristics of applied private colleges and universities and train more applied talents with both virtue and talent.
作者 孙丹丹 SUN DANDan(Jilin Animation Institute General Education Institute,Jilin Changchun 130012)
出处 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2019年第9期50-53,共4页 Journal of Jilin Provincial Institute of Education
基金 吉林省高等教育学会2017年度高教科研课题“应用型民办高校通识教育现状及核心课程架构研究”(项目号:JGJX2017C94)
关键词 通识教育 应用型民办高校 核心课程 架构 General Education Applied Private Colleges and Universities Core Curriculum Framework
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