在盐碱土改良利用中,引种耐盐抗碱作物是经济有效途径之一,同时在盐渍土基层分类和经济有效的利用盐渍化土壤也是十分重要的。本文就试验结果摘要如下: 1.通过田间调查和盆栽试验,向日葵、糜子两种作物的抗碱性顺序为向日葵>糜子。 2.由于苏打盐渍土常是盐化与碱化同时发生,其危害是综合的,我们试用盐碱化指标(盐化度×碱化度),表现与作物减产率有密切相关。 3.从非盐化的碱化土壤来看,其碱化度的高低对作物之危害,表现相关性强。一般减产幅度为5—90%。
Introducing the saline-endurant and alkali-resistant crops is one of the economic and effective ways in the improvement and utilization of salt-affected soil. In classification of the basic level of the salinized soil, the salinizational index must be divided, according to the degree of it's harmfulness to crops. This was summarized for it's cxperimental results as follows. 1.It is showed by the investigation of fields and pot experiments that the alkali-resistant sequence of three crops-sunflower, broom corn. millet and wheat-is sunflower ∧broom corn millet>wheat. 2. Since salinization and alkalization often happen simultaneously in the soda salinized soils, it's harmfulness is multiple, We try to take the classification with a compound target (Salinization degree×alkalizational degree), By the research on salineendurance and alkali-resistance of crops, a compound target can showed close interralation with the rate of production decrease. 3.The alkalizational degree of nonsalinized alkali soil showed strong interralation with the degree of harming to crops. The general range of production decrease is 5-90%.
Journal of Northeast Agricultural Sciences