灯蛾类是当前我省局部地区值得注意的一类多食性害虫,在苗期危害玉米和大豆尤重。在伊通县调查表明,其优势种类是星白雪灯蛾Spilosoma menthastri和人纹污灯蛾Spilarcatia subcarnea。在我省灯蛾一般一年发生二代、以蛹越冬,以第一代幼虫在6月中下旬危害较重。当前生产上主要用化学防治为主,辅之以人工防治,化学农药以杀灭菊酯和敌敌畏效果较好,辛硫磷效果稍差。有些问题有待于进一步实践和研究。
The tiger moths, Spilosoma menthastri(Esper), Spilarctia subcarnea (Walker), are important pests of the maize and Soybean in the part regrin of Jilin province. Yellow (or red )-belly black datled arctud (Spilosoma mentharstri) and white tiger moth (Spilarcatia subcarnea ) are predominant speeies, There are two generation in a year in Jilin province The larvae hurronl into soil 3-5cm in deep and Other place whone winter in passed, in pupa state. The Ist-brood causes most ingure to crops in June.The young larvae are gregarious in the initial stage but sequently disperse. The eggs are laid in masse on the underside of leaves and hatch after 5~7 days In general the larva has six instar, Chemical control or artificial catch control provided good effection. the larvae maybe hille by spraying with phoxim Dichlorvos, Sumicidin, Decis,Trichlorfon etc. Best control is given by Spraying with Sumicidin and decis.
Journal of Northeast Agricultural Sciences