1The Year Mao Met the Smart phone:As Technology Points to the Future,the Political Climate Goes Retro. The Wall Street Journal . 2013
2Party Like It’’s the 1960s:China Resurrects Mao-Era Slogans and Autos. The Times . 2013
3In China.A New Life Of The Party--A campaign for old-style communist discipline is confronting a generation focused on personal fulfillment. The Wall Street Journal . 2013
4Revolutionary Leaders Are Not Gods’’:China’’s Leader Xi on Mao’’s 120th Birthday. The Times . 2013
5China Takes Aim at Western Ideas. The New York Times . 2013
6XI Jinping Is Flying High Into the New Year. The Wall Street Journal . 2013
7Beijing’’s War on Shadow Banking;China’’s central bank cracks down on credit that is not under the government s control. The Wall Street Journal . 2013
8China’’s Xi evokes Mao;targets critics,corruption. The New Zealand Herald . 2013