摘要本文试从使徒保罗的《罗马书》和《加拉太书》等书信中简要梳理保罗关于'因信称义'的教导,并简述保罗神学中关于'因信称义'传统神学的诠释和20世纪70年代兴起的'保罗新观'(New Perspective on Paul)[1]之间的争议,进而试阐述保罗神学中'因信称义'的教会论意义。本文只是就以上涉及的问题抛砖引玉,希望藉着这些不成熟的思考对我们的信仰和教会有所帮助。
3John L.Allen,Jr.Cardinal Ratzinger The Vatican’’s Enforcer of the Faith. . 2002
4Jaroslav Pelikan,Valerie Hotchkis.Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition,volume I. Early,Eastern,&Medieval,Part one:Rule of Faith in the Early Church . 2003
5Cf.Westcott.On the New Testament Canon. The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church,,their canons and dogmatic decrees,Nicene And Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church,second Series . 1997
6The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church,,their canons and dogmatic decrees,Nicene And Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church,second Series. . 1997
7Gerd Ludemann,Heretics,John Bowden.the Other Side of Early Christianity. . 1995
8Martin Luther.Lecture on Romans,in Luther’’s Works. . 1972
9Abel Stevens.The History of the Religious Movement of the Eighteenth Century,called Methodism. . 1858
10Barry D.Smith.The Tension Between God as Righteous Judge and as Merciful in Early Judaism. . 2005