

Carrying out the Spirit of 19th CPC National Congress of the Party in the Teaching of "Basic" Course
摘要 党的十九大精神是高校思想政治教育和课堂教学的重要内容。党的十九大精神有许多重要论述可以贯彻到"基础"课的教学中来,如,中华民族伟大复兴,绝不是轻轻松松、敲锣打鼓就能实现的;找到最大公约数,画出最大同心圆和铸牢中华民族共同体意识;建设生态文明是中华民族永续发展的千年大计;人民有信仰,国家有力量,民族有希望;人民是历史的创造者,是决定党和国家前途命运的根本力量;党政军民学,东西南北中,党是领导一切的;全面依法治国是中国特色社会主义的本质要求和重要保障;成立中央全面依法治国领导小组和推进合宪性审查工作,等。 19 th CPC National Congress' s spirit is an important part of ideological and political education and classroom teaching in colleges and universities. The spirit of 19 th CPC National Congress of the Party has many important expositions that can be carried out in the teaching of the "foundation" course. For example, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is by no means easy, it can be achieved by beating gongs and drums, and the greatest common denominator can be found. Draw the greatest concentric circle and firmly solidify the Chinese nation's sense of community; the construction of ecological civilization is a millennium plan for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation; the people have faith, the country has strength, and the nation has hope; and the people are the creators of history. It is the fundamental power to decide the future and destiny of the party and the country, the party, the government, the military, the people, the north, the west, the north, the south, the middle and the middle, the party is the leader, the comprehensive rule of law is the essential requirement and important guarantee of socialism with Chinese characteristics; The establishment of a central leading group on comprehensive rule of law and the promotion of constitutional review, and so on.
作者 黄爱英
出处 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2018年第5期161-162,共2页 Journal of Jiamusi Vocational Institute
基金 2017年湖南省哲学社会科学基金一般项目"红军长征中的群众宣传工作及其历史经验研究" 项目编号:17YBA161
关键词 “基础”课 贯彻 党的十九大精神 "basic" course implementation 19th CPC National Congress spirit of the Party
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