
无气味滤波器在PN码时延和多径信道联合估计中的应用 被引量:1

Joint Estimation of PN Code Delay and Multipath Using the Unscented Filter
摘要 研究了多径信道中PN码时延和信道系数的联合估计问题,提出了一种基于无气味滤波器的时延和多径联合估计方法,得出了频率选择性信道中估计器的仿真结果.然后将参数估计的均方误差与使用扩展的Kalman滤波器得到的均方误差、克拉美-罗限进行了比较,结果表明在多径信道中无气味滤波器的性能比扩展的Kalman滤波器性能更好. In this paper the problem of joint estimation of PN code delay and multipath channel coefficients is considered. We present an estimator based on the unscented filter (UF) for the joint estimation of delay and multipath, and obtain the simulation results of the estimator. Next the mean square error (MSE) of the UF estimator is compared with both the MSE provided by EKF and the Cramer - Rao lower bound. The results show that the UF performs better than the EKF in multipath channels.
出处 《应用科学学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第1期44-48,共5页 Journal of Applied Sciences
关键词 PN码 联合估计 时延跟踪 信道估计 无气味滤波器 无线通信系统 多径信道系数 非线性模型 delay tracking channel estimation multipath unscented filter
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