
元英宗朝政治与南坡之变 被引量:1

Politics during Yuan Yingzong's Ruling Period and Coup in Nanpo
摘要 元中期在位的英宗硕德八剌,常被研究者们作为锐意革新、壮志未酬的帝王加以赞扬。本文分别从元英宗与铁木迭儿、铁失、拜住的关系,以及南坡之变发生原因等层面进行考察,以达到对这个少年君主的人事'亲疏'和遇害的更深了解。相关结论如下:一、元英宗即位典礼举行后二年里,右丞相铁木迭儿仍然肆意迫害和摈斥异己。这些作为,大多或经'允许'、或'激怒'促成,而非没有实权天子迫于形势的'忍让'。元英宗之觉察铁木迭儿之'奸佞',自有一个较长的认识过程。二、当至治二年秋以前,受到元英宗信任的大臣为:右丞相铁木迭儿、左丞相拜住和御史大夫铁失。一年后沦为政变罪魁的铁失,即使在贿赂事件揭露以后,仍被委以监察和宿卫重任。而英宗的易怒、果杀性格,加剧了侥幸免于惩处他的恐惧心理。三、'新政'的真正开始,始自'反贪';可惜的是元英宗并没因势利导、彻底进行。而被委以期复致治的拜住,竟然对可能的喋血事件毫无'防范'意识,最终酿成了君、臣遇害的惨祸。四、鉴于以上事实的发掘,可以认为:当仁宗去世以后,并不存在始终壁垒分明的'保守派'与'改革派'间的斗争。元英宗拜住与铁木迭儿、铁失间的冲突,应该是与'文化'背景无涉的'廉正'与'贪邪'的较量。 Yingzong Shode-Baraq ruling China in the middle Yuan has been praised by the academic researchers as a tragic personae who was murdered because of being determined to go on political reform.This article will make reviews from the complicated relationships between Yingzong and Temuder or Teshi or Baichu and the coup in Nanpo itself,in order to get more comprehensions about the personnel inclining of the young emperor and happening cause of the vicious incident.The relative viewpoints as follow:1.In two years after Yingzong ascended the throne,Temuder still unrestrainedly persecuted and squeezed out the colleagues who took different standpoints.He had made those evil things usually getting the permissions from Yingzong who had the power of the court and believed in his made-up words.Yingzong became aware of Temuder’s wickedness in a long process.2.The ministers trusted by Yingzong before the autumn of 1322 were Right Chengxiang Temuder,Left Chengxiang Baichu and Yushi Daifu Teshi.And the last one who plotted coup after one year still took charge of censorial and Kesig organizations even while his briberies were disclosed.Scared feeling got more and more in Teshi s mind when he saw Yingzong decidedly punished the officials.3.New administration began in the movement against corruption,and it was wrong that Yingzong did not improve occasion and carry through it root and branch.The disaster of bloodshed event occurred finally for Baichu who was expected to realize clear and bright politics had no idea to avoid such possible things actually.4.Based on above-mentioned facts,it could be considered that there was no stinging struggle all the time between so-called conservative and innovatory group members after Renzong’s death.The conflict between Yuan Yingzong also Baichu and Temuder also Teshi was a struggle irrespective of cultural background between incorruptible and venal men.
作者 王颋 Wang Ting
出处 《暨南史学》 2002年第1期173-185,共13页
关键词 硕德八剌 铁失 新政 南坡之变 Shode-Baraq Teshi new policies coup in Nanpo
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