
安史之乱后粟特胡人的动向 被引量:30

The Trends of Sogdians after An Lushan’s Rebellion
摘要 安史之乱爆发之前的唐朝,是一个开放的多种民族共存的大国。然而,安史之乱的领导者在唐朝人眼中是地道的粟特胡人,这场叛乱给唐朝造成巨大创伤。因此,安史之乱后,唐朝境内出现了对胡人的攻击和对'胡化'的排斥,并逐渐形成了一种对唐朝前期胡化现象的否定。面对这样的形势,在中原继续生存的粟特胡人,用改换姓氏、郡望等方法来转胡为汉,如武威安氏改姓李氏,康姓附会出自会稽,何氏自称望在庐江,逐渐变成地道的汉人了。另一方面,安史之乱后,河北节镇对胡人采取优容态度,参加安史之乱的胡族将领被继续留用,许多原本在关内、河东等地的粟特人也迁到河北,在这里建立新的家园,有些得到新的发展,甚至坐到节度使的高住。从文化的角度看,安史之乱后,看不到长安和洛阳新立祆祠的记载,也没有明确的胡人祭祀祆神的记录,但新的祆祠却在河北地区得以建立,并且为胡汉民众所敬事,有的一直延续到北宋。 Before the An Lushan’s Rebellion,Tang Dynasty was an opening empire with various races.In the rebellion forces and the army of Tang,many soldiers had the descent from different nationalities,even from the Sogdian races.However,the ringleaders of the rebellion,An Lushan,Shi Siming and their sons,were Sogdians in the eyes of Tang.Because of the tremendous ravages of this rebellion,a repulsive attitude towards the Westerners prevailed in the territory of Tang.A negative to the prevalence of Western customs in the early Tang also generally appeared.Under such pressure,the Sogdians in China had to change their family names and escape the origin,such as the family of An in Wuwei assumed the family name as Li,the family of Kang changed their origin to Kuaiji,and the family of He had a self-proclaimed origin in Lujiang.On the other hand,the repulsive impact made many Sogdians move to the northern area of Yellow River,which was an ideal place for them.The Sogdians in the Turkish tribes of the north China also went there,so the area became a very region of the Westerners.After the rebellion,the area showed a tolerance to the Westerners,the rebel Sogdian generals could continue to serve in the army there,many Sogdians moved in,starting a new life there,and even some of them could be promoted as the chief leaders.All of these deepened the degree of penetration of the Western customs and strengthened the power of the area.On the aspect of culture,there is no record for the establishment of new Zoroastrian temples or the sacrifice rites of Zoroastrianism after the rebellion.But the new temples erected in the new area and the Zoroastrian faith was kept till the Song Dynasty.
作者 荣新江 Rong Xinjiang
出处 《暨南史学》 2003年第1期102-123,共22页
关键词 安史之乱 粟特胡人 河北藩镇 祆祠 An Lushan’s Rebellion Sogdians military governments in the northem area of Yellow River Zoroastrian temples
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