
以苏为鉴:毛泽东对苏共二十大的最初反应和思考 被引量:4

Lesson Drawn from USSR:Mao Zedong’s Initiative Reaction and Reconsideration on the 20thCongress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
摘要 有关苏共二十大早年公布的文件以及最新解密的档案文献表明,斯大林去世后,苏联党内活动和社会趋向预示了改革的基础,二十大路线的理论前提是客观存在的。而对斯大林的个人崇拜是苏联社会变革的一条不可逾越的鸿沟,因此,对于斯大林的批判,就其本质而言,是要以此为铺垫改变斯大林的某些政策和做法,平反历史冤案的社会浪潮不过是为赫鲁晓夫提供了一个机会。囿于认识能力和传统思想,苏共二十大并没有从社会变革的层面提出改造社会主义政治经济体制的根本任务,而仅限于政策性调整和某些具体措施的实施。但无论如何,二十大提供了一种改弦易辙的可能性,一个摆脱斯大林模式束缚的历史机会。对于苏共二十大路线,中共中央最初是完全赞同的。对于批判斯大林的个人崇拜,毛泽东在内心是满意的,只是不同意在一般意义上否定个人崇拜。至于探索中国自己的发展道路,毛泽东在《论十大关系》中的论述与苏联的改革措施及苏共二十大的总结报告相比较,没有更多的新东西。毛泽东认为需要引为借鉴的也是斯大林模式的弊病,而这正是斯大林去世后苏联新领导人已经考虑并在二十大正式提出的问题。从本质上讲,苏共和中共当时都没有摆脱斯大林所指引的道路,毛泽东不过要通过采用那些自己熟悉的方法比苏联走得更快些。正是在这种思维方式下,中共八大继续探索而产生的思想火花,很轻易地就在突然爆发的波匈事件和反右派运动中熄灭了。 According to the old published documents and newly declassified archives on the 20th Congress of the CPSU,the author argued that after the Stalin’s death,all kinds of activities of the Communist Party and the social changes in the Soviet heralded and resulted the reform proposed in the 20th Congress.By using the critique on the personal cult for Stalin and redressing the injustices made by Stalin as the excuse,Nikita Khrushchev tried to make some changes in the Soviet’s policies.The author Pointed out that the new leaders of the Soviet in the 20th Congress never wanted to change the fundamental political and economic systems of the socialist Soviet due to their knowledge and mentalities,but only intended to do very limited adjustment to the policies and measures.Even for this,however,what happened in the 20th Congress of the CPSU still implied the changeability of the socialist systems.The author found that at the very beginning the Central Committee of the CCP was content with the new lines of the CPSU decided in its 20th Congress.And personally,Mao Zedong was happy to see the critique on the personal cult for Stalin,even though he disagreed to negate the personal cult in general.The comparison of Mao’s"On ten large relations"with the reform and the conclusive report of the 20th Congress of the CPSU revealed that Mao suggested nothing new in exploring new development model than the Soviet leaders.In this term,both Soviet and Chinese Communist Party did not deviated from the road decided by Stalin.What different was only the fact that Mao decided to use the means that the CCP leaders were familiar to accelerate China’s development.Because of the continuation of the old mentality of the CCP,it was not strange to see that the new thought emerged in the 8 Congress of the CCP so easily vanished when the CCP faced the sudden outbreak of the events in Poland and Hungary and the and-rightist campaign in China.
作者 沈志华 Shen Zhihua
出处 《暨南史学》 2004年第1期587-628,共42页
关键词 斯大林 毛泽东 苏共二十大 社会改革 Stalin Mao Zedong the 20th Congress of the CPSU the Social Reform
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