

On the Settlement Pattern of the Archaic Nation of Xinjiang and the Influence of Environmental Factors:Centered on the Area of Tourfan from Fifth to Fourteenth Centuries
摘要 本文通过对相关历史文献记载与考古发掘资料的综合研究分析,得出以下几点结论:虽然学术界对于公元5—7世纪高昌王国建筑形态的认识存在着相当大的分歧,一说是以'土木居室'为特点,另一说则认为是'砖土结构'。但从总体上说,高昌地区居室建筑确实是以'架木为屋,土覆其上'这类比较原始的平顶土屋为其主要建筑特色,而缺乏大尺度木材、干旱少雨、黄土台地发育,正是产生这种民居建筑风俗的自然环境背景。古代高昌地区的居住方式实际上呈现出多样化的特色,除了平顶土屋以外,还有其他类型的居住方式,其中较为普遍的是窑洞和地穴。由于冲—洪积层的广泛分布和黄土台地的发育,为吐鲁番地区尤其是交河故城中建筑窑洞、地穴以及半地穴式和堑崖式居室提供了先决条件,当然,温差变化大、日照充足、冬春寒风凛冽的气候环境也是促成这些类型居室流行的客观条件。公元10世纪前后,包括交河故城、高昌故城在内的整个吐鲁番地区可能曾普遍出现过居室建筑的屋顶由平顶向土坯(生砖)发券拱顶的过渡,这既与宗教势力影响的逐渐广泛有关,同时也是建筑木料的日益短缺与当地居民对建筑用材的持续需求之间尖锐矛盾的必然结果。 On the basis of synthetical analysis of historical document,achievement in archaeological investigations about the settlement pattern in the area of Gaochang from fifth to seventh centuries,the author considers that there are two different standpoints about it,the one is that the house is made of soil and wood,the other one is that the house is made of brick and wood.But whatso,the main architectural characteristics is flat-headed and terrene house that is made of big wood and soil in this area.The one of reasons of this phenomenon is the entironment of lack of wood,rain and having a lot of loess.In fact,there are all kinds of the settlement pattern besides the flat-headed and terrene house,for example cave-house and crypt and so on.The precondition of this phenomenon is that there are alluvium,diluvium and loess mesa in this area.The environment of climate also is one of the external factors.In tenth centuries,the main architectural characteristics began to change from the flat-headed to adobe arch-roof in area of Tourfan.The main reasons of these conditions are related to the influence of religion and lack of wood that is made of architecture.
作者 吴宏岐 Wu Hongqi
机构地区 暨南大学历史系
出处 《暨南史学》 2005年第1期34-54,共21页
关键词 平顶土屋 窑洞 穴居 居住生活方式演变 环境影响因素 the flat-headed and terrene house cave-house troglodytism the change of settlement pattern environmental factors
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