The Taiwan Residents Buddhism started from the end of Ming dynasty and the beginning of Qing dynasty as the immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong brought in the Buddhism,which be-lieved in gods and ghosts.In the Japanese cola nial period,the schools of Buddhism mainly served as an assistance of the Japanese milita-rism and the Mominka movement.Then the tra?dltional Chinese Buddhism from China's Mainland was introduced to Taiwan,and the humanistic Buddhism also throve here.These three Bud dhist thoughts were integrated in Taiwan as they had an influence on each other.After the Na-tionalist government came to Taiwan,Taiwan Residents Buddhism further integrated and developed in the martial law period;it changed and innova ted after the period ended,which started a whole new school of Taiwan Residents Buddhism.The Bud-dhist temple constructions in Taiwan also come in a variety of styles under the influence of different Buddhist schools.Among them,the M humanistic Buddhism**has become a main stream.In the modernization of the Taiwan Residents Buddhism,the Buddhist architecture also transforms from the tra ditional style to the modernized innovative con-structions.The Taiwan Residents Buddhist architecture has entered a new era rich in the new Buddhist spirit.
Modern Buddhist Temples
Architectural Space Layout