
象天法地,规矩方圆——中国古代都城、宫殿规划布局之构图比例探析 被引量:6

The Principle of Modeling Heaven and Earth,the Rules of Square and Circle:A Deep Analysis on Geometric Compositions of the Planning of Capital Cities and Palace Buildings in Ancient China
摘要 本文通过对一系列中国古代都城与宫殿建筑群(包括偃师二里头夏代晚期1、2号宫殿遗址;偃师商城及3、4号宫殿遗址;西汉长安城及未央宫遗址;隋大兴-唐长安城及太极宫、大明宫遗址;隋唐洛阳城及皇城、宫城遗址;元大都及皇城、宫城;明北京内城、皇城与紫禁城)的实测图或复原图进行几何作图,结合实测数据分析,探讨了中国古代都城规划与宫殿建筑群布局的基本构图比例,尤其是基于方圆作图的21/2和31/2/2构图比例。同时结合对北宋《营造法式》第一幅插图'圆方方圆图'的解读,揭示了规矩方圆作图比例背后所蕴含的是中国古人'天圆地方'的宇宙观和追求天、地、人和谐的文化理念,并集中反映在都城、宫殿规划设计'象天法地'的思想之中。 ln this article, a new method of a geometric-ratio drawing is applied to actual measured drawings and restored drawings of a series of capital cities and palace buildings in ancient China(they are ruins of historic sites, including the Erlitou Palace building number I and Ilin the city of Yanshi in late Xia dynasty, the Palace building numberlll and IV in Shang dynasty in the city of Yanshi, the city of Chang’an and the Weiyang Palace built in Western Han dynasty,the city of Daxing in Sui dynasty, the city of Chang’an in Tang dynasty, the Taiji Palace,the Darning Palace, the city of Luoyang and the Imperial city, the Palace city in Sui and Tang dynasties, the Khanbaliq,the Imperial city and the Palace city in Yuan dynasty.Some examples are remaining heritage sites of today, including the Inner city, the Imperial City and the Forbidden city of Beijing in Ming dynasty), in combination with analyses of the actual measurements of the ruins. Discussions are made on using the Square-circle ratio drawing to analysis basic compositions of planning of capital cities and palace buildings.In particular, a significant finding of two important ratio numbers, the 21/2and 31/2/2 in drawing proportions will be explained in detail. At the same time, by incorporating interpretations from the 'The Circle-square and Square-circle',figure one in the book of Yingzao Fashi(The Treatise on Architectural Methods) from the Northern Song period,supportive values behind the rules of the square-circle ratio drawing were revealed with strong evidences. These values, closely followed by the ancient Chinese people, are the cosmic views of believing a dome-like spherical heaven embraces a vast square earth, as well as traditional Chinese culture ideologies of harmonizing heaven, earth, and man. Collectively, the new discovery of these important ratios in architecture drawings well reflected thoughts on the principle of modeling heaven and earth, which were fundamentally applied in planning and design of cities and palace buildings in ancient China.
作者 王南 Wang Nan
出处 《建筑史》 2017年第2期77-125,共49页
关键词 规矩方圆 比例 21/2 31/2/2 象天法地 rules of squares and circles ratio 21/2and 31/2/2 principle of modeling heaven and earth divider compass right angle rulers
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