
佛光寺东大殿建置沿革研究 被引量:8

A Study on the Construction History of Main Hall of Fogguangsi(Fo Kuang Ssu)
摘要 在前辈学者的研究基础上,北京国文琰文化遗产保护中心对佛光寺东大殿再次进行数字化勘察研究,根据实地勘察分析、文献题记研究、碳14年代测定,对东大殿的大木结构塑像、壁画、彩画、题记的年代、题材、演变都进行了较为深入的分析,对以往学界对东大殿营建改造的一些争论点和误解进行了核实,比如:确定东大殿板门外推至前檐柱的时间约为元代至正年间;东大殿内西南角的僧人等身像不是'愿诚',而应是明代高僧'本随';东大殿主佛坛北侧的菩萨主像为文殊菩萨,其组合为'新样文殊'。本文将东大殿的建置沿革分为五个宏观历史阶段:晚唐创建期、宋金过渡期、元末变革期、明代增补期、清代延续期。梳理了各时期主要的营建工程。本文还对东大殿营建之初的设计理念、营建尺度、空间格局变化进行了深入的分析。东大殿建筑始建格局依据佛教仪规需求,先确定像设与空间,再选用相应的建筑规格形式、用材尺度,最终精心设计建造。东大殿的改建、增补过程也都是根据历史变迁、佛教使用需要发展而成。 Based on previous studies of senior scholars,Beijing Guowenyan Cultural Heritage Protection Center has carried out investigations and studies on the Main Hall of Foguangsi.The general wooden frame,statues,murals,color paintings,age of notes,themes and evolution have been further analyzed by means of field investigation,Carbon-14 dating and textual research.Some previous contentions and misunderstandings in academic circles on the construction and reconstruction of the Main Hall have been verified accordingly.For instance,it confirmed that the Main Hall expanded its wooden door in line with the front peripheral columns took place during the rein of Zhizheng in Yuan dynasty;the life-size statue of monk at the Southwestern corner of the Great East Hall should be the Eminent Monk'Ben Sui'of the Ming dynasty rather than Monk'Yuan Cheng';at the North of the main Buddha altar of the Main Hall,the Bodhisattva Manjusri is consecrated as the sovereign Bodhisattva in a combination known as'New Manjusri'.In this paper,origins and development of the Main Hall are divided into five stages on a macro-historical level,namely the construction period during the later Tang dynasty,the transition period during the Song dynasty and Jin dynasty,the transformation period during the end of the Yuan dynasty,the supplementary period during the Ming dynasty,and the continuation period during the Qing dynasty.Major construction projects of all periods have been summarized.In addition,in-depth analyses and researches have been conducted on the design concept,construction scale and change in spatial pattern when the Main Hall was first constructed.For the initial layout of the Main Hall,statue placement and spacing were predetermined based on the requirements of Buddhist rituals,the corresponding specifications,forms and timber scale were then selected,and the meticulous design and construction at last.The process of reconstruction and supplement of the Main Hall have also been developed in accordance with historical changes and requirements of Buddhism.
作者 张荣 雷娴 王麒 吕宁 王帅 陈竹茵 ZHANG Rong;LEI Xian;WANG Qi;LV Ning;WANG Shuai;CHEN Zhuyin
出处 《建筑史》 2018年第1期31-52,共22页
关键词 佛光寺东大殿 塑像 壁画 彩画 历史沿革 空间变迁 Main Hall of Foguansi Statue Mural Caihua(colored painting) Construction History
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