桨机合一的机械结构 ,是将磁钢镶嵌在螺旋桨的叶片上 ,原动机由一个线圈代替 ,产生旋转磁场驱动螺旋桨 ,这样原动机产生的振动和噪声就不会出现。无源磁浮技术是利用永久磁铁的磁性力 ,与液体的非磁性力合理组合 ,共同作用在转子上 ,使转子与定子没有机械接触 ,从而没有机械磨损 ,同时转子的振动也不会传递给舰体。螺旋桨叶片的流线型设计是通过解偏微分方程求流体流过叶片的流面 ,然后根据流面设计叶片 ,使流道内没有液体的冲击和分离 ,噪声也大大减小。采用以上三项创新技术 ,作者试制的功率约 1kW的样机 ,噪音减小至 4
The remarkable reduction of vibration and noise of propeller for ships and boats can be realized in three aspects:1.compact the propeller and the motor in one unit,namely,the motor coil can be winded on the housing of propeller and the magnets will be mounted in the propeller vanes,thus the noise and vibration of the motor will not appear.2.using permanent maglev technology,the propeller can be suspended in water and no vibration and no noise can be transferred via mechanical bearing to the body of ships and boats.3.the vanes of the propeller can be designed according to the three dimensional theory to coincide with stream surfaces and thus the crash and separation of fluid in vanes can be eliminated.Resultantly,the noise of the impeller can be reduced propectively to lower than 40dB,as evidenced by a proto type design of propeller with ca.1 kW power.
Machine Design And Research