伴随着新技术革命的浪潮 ,交往与技术的关系变得日益紧密。交往已不是作为哈贝马斯所认为的外在于技术的因素 ,而是内化于技术之中。它不仅表现为对技术需求的拉动 ,促进技术的传播 ,而且还影响技术的发展方向 ,有利于抑制技术的异化。技术成为交往的“主体—客体—主体”三级结构中“客体”的主要表现形式 ,它的进步改变着交往的结构 ,而且促进交往功能的增强。两者在现实的交互作用过程中 ,表现为一种“技术—交往动态演化模型”。
With the coming of a new technological revolution, the relation between social communication and technology becomes closer. Communication is no longer a factor out of technology as J. Habermas thought, but a factor inside it. It not only motivates the development and transmission of technology, but also influences its direction, which is good to prevent technology alienation. Technology is a principal form of expressing 'object' in the 'subject-object-subject' structure and affects on the structure too. Technology and communication present a dynamic-model in the course of reality interaction.
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
黑龙江省教育厅人文社科研究资助项目 (10 5 12 10 5 )