2See Joan MacLeod Henfinway, Shetden l:<yan Hoffman, Proceed at Your Peril: Crowdfimding and the Securities Act of 1933, Tenn. L. Rev. Vol.78, 21)11, pp.879-881. 2.
3See Paul Belleilamme, Thomas Lambert, Armin Schwienbacher, Crowdfunding: Tapping the Right Crowd, Center for Operations P, esearch & Econometrics, Discussion Paper No. 2011/32. 3.
4See C. Steven Bradford, Crowdftmding and the Federal Securities Laws, Columbia Business Law Review, No. 1,2012, p. 11. 4.
5Susanna Khavul, Microfinance: Creating Opportunities for the Poor, Academy of Management Perspectives, vol.24, 2010, pp.58-72. 5.
6Gijsbert Koren, Crowdfnnding, microfinance and peer to peer lending, available at http://wxswe.smartemmney.nl/?p=73, 2012- l 1-27. 6.
7See Kevin E. Davis, Anna Gelpem, Peer-to-Peer Financing for I)evelopment: Regulating the Intermediaries, N.Y.U.J. Int'l L. & Pol. Vol.42, 2010, p.121)9. 7.
8See C. Steven BradR)rd, Crowdfunding and the Federal Securities Laws, Colmnbia Business Law R.eview, No. 1, 2(I 12, pp.20-24. 8.
9See Edan Burkett, A Crowdfunding Exemption? Online Investment Crowdfunding and U.S. Securities Regulation, Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law, Vol, 13, 2011, p47. 9.
10See Clint Schaff, Kiva.org: Crowdfunding the Developing World, available at http://www.urbanministry.org/wiki/kivaorg-crowdfimding- devdoping-world, 2/)12-11-28.