沈阳于2 0世纪二三十年代开始大规模修建广场,那些老广场大多保留至今,现已成为人们休闲娱乐,举行庆祝、纪念等活动的场所。尽管岁月更迭,但是今天的人们通过广场及其周围的重要建筑物仍能感知其沧桑历史,感受沈阳这座城市的荣辱兴衰。
Shenyang saw impressive construction of public squares in the 1920 s and 1930 s and thereafter. Major ones built then include the Zhongshan Square, Huigong Plaza, Peace Square, and City Square. These squares, which witness the change in history, remain in use for leisure and entertainment purposes today. When night falls, large numbers of people gather in the squares. Many of them sing and dance to the accompaniment of beautiful music.
Liaoning Today