目的 探讨大剂量甲氨蝶呤 ( HD- MTX 3~ 5 g/ m2 )连续 2 4h静脉输注 ,第 3 6h甲酰四氢叶酸钙( CF)解救治疗急性淋巴细胞白血病的临床耐受性。方法 8例急性淋巴细胞白血病缓解期患者共进行 16个疗程大剂量 MTX 3~ 5 g/ m2 化疗 ,连续 2 4h静脉输注 ,第 3 6小时 CF解救。结果 不良反应 :恶心呕吐、中性粒细胞减少和一过性转氨酶升高为 °~ °,口腔粘膜毒性 °~ °,无严重毒副反应发生。结论 大剂量 MTX3~ 5 g/ m2连续 2 4h静脉输注 ,第 3 6小时
Objective To study the tolerabillity of HD-MTX(3~5 g/m 2)for 24 h continously followed by rescue with CF at the 36th hour.Methods Eight cases of ALL were respectively given total 16 times of HD-MTX (3~5 g/m 2)for 24 h continously and rescued with CF at the 36th hour.Results The side-effects were nausea,vomiting,neutropenie and mild increase of transaminase,mucositis.There was no severe side effect.Conclusion The method of HD-MTX(3~5 g/m 2) continuous infusion for 24 hours followed by rescue with CF at the 36th hour is a tolerabale and safe regimen for the treatment of ALL.
Journal of Huaihai Medicine