农村土地承包经营权确权工作的核心任务之一就是明确承包地的四至权属关系。界址线类型是表达四至权属关系的关键数据载体。传统界址线类型注记方法存在重复工作量大、容易出错或漏绘等诸多弊端。据此,经杭州市富阳区农村土地承包经营权确权登记颁证项目的生产实践,基于Auto LISP开发了"界址线类型快速注记"插件,并将其应用在生产中,成果数据符合农村土地承包经营权确权调查规程规范和数据入库要求,并具有易学好用、快捷高效等优点,提高了作业速度,确保了成果质量。
The core tasks for clarify the ownership relationship of the right of land rental in Rurar is to clarify the four boundaries of a piece of land,and the boundary line type is the key data carrier that expresses the relationship.The traditional method of boundary line type annotation has some disadvantages,such as large amount repeated work,easy error or missing.According to the production practice of the ownership registration of the rural land contract management right in Fuyang of Hangzhou,the secondary development plugin for'boundary line type quick annoration'based on LISP in AutoCAD is realized,and has been applied in prodaction.The result was in accordance with the standard specification and storage requirements.The Quick Annotation method has advantage of easy to learn and to use,fast and efficient.It has improved the speed of operation while ensured the quality of the results.
Modern Surveying and Mapping