对近12年来JTE的引文分析显示,美国教师教育研究的依据严谨,所发文章引经据典,所用文献呈历时共现状态。从高频引文共现图谱来看,引文共现次数多,联系紧密,即引文在研究主题的概念、理论或方法上存在相关关系。同时,教师教育研究的权威人士刊发的文章多、影响力大、地位突出,像Cochran-Smith M和Darling-Hammond L等人的论文,被引频次高,与其他文献的关系密切。
American teacher education research is based on a solid theoretical foundation and the published articles commonly cite the classic literature,the references of which present a diachronic co-occurrence state according to the citation analysis of JTE from 2000 to 2011. Through the highly cited references co-occurrence mapping,it can be seen that the more the co-occurrence appears,the closely linked they are; i. e.,there is a certain correlation in the concepts,theories or methods of research themes. In addition,it is also found that those prominent articles of some great experts,like Cochran-Smith M and Darling-Hammond L,have a high citation and are closely related to other literature.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)