Microsoft office Excel 2007是微软公司在2006年底推出的,是办公自动化系列套装软件Microsoft office 2007下的一个独立产品。本文将对其常用的一些基本功能进行概括与介绍,如表格美化、数据处理、数据的管理与分析、常用的公式与函数等,以及针对Excel 2007的新增功能进行简要介绍,希望能对软件初学者和对此感兴趣的相关人员起到概念性的帮助作用。
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 is an independent product of office automation software package Microsoft Office 2007 launched by Microsoft Company at the end of 2006. This article summarized and introduced its common functions, such as form beautification, data processing, data management and analysis, common formula and function, and some new features of Excel 2007, so as to help the beginners and related personnels.
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