该文利用药剂喷洒法研究了不同质量浓度辛硫磷和氟虫腈对杨树多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性的影响。结果表明200,400 mg/L辛硫磷和氟虫腈处理杨树24,48,72 h,以及800 mg/L辛硫磷和100 mg/L氟虫腈处理杨树24,48 h,均明显诱导杨树PPO活性增强;而800 mg/L辛硫磷和100 mg/L氟虫腈处理杨树72 h,对杨树PPO没有显著影响。此研究为杨树害虫的防治和杨树的保护提供理论基础。
The effect on polyphenol oxidase( PPO) activity by phoxim and fipronil was studied in poplar. The results showed that PPO activity was induced in poplars treated by 200 and 400 mg / L of two pesticides( phoxim and fipronil) for24,48 and 72 h,and PPO activity was induced in poplars treated by 800 mg / L phoxim or 100 mg / L fipronil for 24 and48 h,while PPO activity was the same to the control in poplars being treated by 800 mg / L phoxim or 100 mg / L fipronil for72 h. This research provides a theoretical basis for the pest control and protection of poplars.
Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science & Technology