Despite this importance of coal mining in Japan,the historical recognition process of silicosis as an occupational disease took place first in metal mining.Dust related occupational diseases had been very well known by miners from proto-industrial times;in Japanese coal mining,silicosis and anthracosis knowledge first developed in the hands of professional experts.Domestic research funded by the state and the industry and the influence of international norms set by the International Labor Organization finally ended in the vote of a Silicosis law in 1955,of a Pneumoconiosis law in1960,and consequently in the enacting of systematic screening and compensation procedures.Trade unions also played a role in the recognition process of pneumoconiosis as an occupational disease,particularly through political pressure and signing pneumoconiosis collective agreements,but coal miners constituted a very low status social group at great disadvantage in front of industry and state’s powerful professional expertise.Indeed,as screening and compensation procedures were mainly based on a professional knowledge partly disconnected from workers experiences,pneumoconiosis cases in coal mining tended to be very much under recorded.However,with liability legal suits taking place from the end of the 1970 s,miners groups tried to regain their social citizenship in winning fair compensation.
Bernard Thomann(Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales)
Journal of Social History of Medicine and Health