
6种天然植物提取物对维生素D_2稳定性的保护作用 被引量:1

Protective effect of six natural plant extracts on the stability of vitamin D_2
摘要 为考察小米草、金银花、樱桃、野菊花、葡萄籽和竹叶等6种天然植物提取物对维生素D_2(V_(D_2))稳定性的保护作用,将其分别与V_(D_2)以10∶1质量比例混合,采用HPLC方法测定混合后第30 d、第60 d、第90 d样品中V_(D_2)含量变化,并与白藜芦醇、大豆异黄酮、茶多酚三种天然抗氧化剂和人工合成抗氧化剂BHT进行比较。结果表明,未添加抗氧化剂的V_(D_2)稳定性较差,第30 d、60 d、90 d时V_(D_2)的存留率分别为51.68%、2.69%和0.27%,而添加6种天然植物提取物均对V_(D_2)稳定性具有一定的保护作用,且随着放置时间的延长,其对V_(D_2)稳定性的保护作用愈明显。第30 d时,添加6种天然植物提取物后V_(D_2)的存留率为52.61%~70.31%,其效果不及添加白藜芦醇、大豆异黄酮、茶多酚;第60 d时,添加6种天然植物提取物后V_(D_2)的存留率为29.43%~53.34%,其中小米草、葡萄籽和金银花提取物对V_(D_2)稳定性的保护作用较佳,其V_(D_2)存留率达45.17%~53.34%,与其他3种天然植物提取物、3种天然抗氧化剂和BHT相比差异均达到极显著水平(P<0.01);第90 d时,添加6种天然植物提取物后V_(D_2)的存留率为8.27%~22.39%,其中小米草、金银花、樱桃提取物对V_(D_2)稳定性的保护作用较佳,其V_(D_2)存留率达17.84%~22.39%,与其他3种天然植物提取物、3种天然抗氧化剂和BHT相比差异均达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。 To study the protective effect of six natural plant extracts including eyebright extract,honeysuckle extract,cherry extract,chrysanthemum indicum extract,grape seed extract and bamboo leaves extract on the stability of vitamin D_2( V_(D_2)),the extracts were mixed with V_(D_2) in 10∶ 1 mass ratio respectively,and the changes of V_(D_2) content was determined by high performance liquid chromatography 30 d,60 d,and 90 d after mixing by comparing the stability of V_(D_2) in the mixture protected by three natural antioxidants tea polyphenols,resveratrol,and soybean isoflaveone and synthetic antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene( BHT),respectively.The retention rates of V_(D_2) without antioxidants was only 51.68%,2.69%,and 0.27% after placed for 30 d,60 d,and 90 d respectively.Six natural plant extracts presented good protective effects on the stability of V_(D_2),and the longer the mixation,the better the effects.At the 30 th day after mixation the retention rate of V_(D_2) was 52.61%-70.31% in the mixtures with six natural plant extracts,less than those with three natural antioxidants.At the 60 th day,the retention rate of V_(D_2) were 2 9.4 3 %-5 3.3 4 % in the m ixtures with six natural plant extracts am ong which eyebright extract,grape seed extract,and honeysuckle extract showed better protective effects.At the 9 0 th day,the retention were 8.2 7 %-2 2.3 9 % in the m ixtures with six natural plant extracts am ong which eyebright extract,honeysuckle extract,and cherry extract perform ed better.
作者 胡代花
出处 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期927-931,共5页 Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 陕西省重点科技创新团队项目(2012KCT-29) 陕西理工大学博士后项目(SLGBH16-04) 陕西理工大学校级科研项目(SLGKY16-19) 陕西省2011协同中心项目(QBXT-Z(P)-15-15) 汉中市科技局项目(2013FZ24)
关键词 维生素D2 天然植物提取物 抗氧化 vitamin D2 natural plant extract antioxidation
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