1Senya Michel and Seth Koven,“Womanly Duties: Maternalist Politics and the Origins of Welfare States in France , Germany, Great Britain, and the United States, 1880-1920,”American Historical Review 95 ,October 1990 ,p. 1079.
2John H. Weiss: Origins of the French State: Poor Relief in the Third Republic , 1871-1914, French Historical Studies. 13.( Snring 1983 ).
3Sonya Michel and Seth Koven,“Womanly Duties : Maternnlist Politics and the Origins of Welfare States in France , Germany, Great Britain, and the United States, 1880-1920,”American Historical Review 95 ,October 1990,p. 1089.
4Hause with Kenney, Women's Suffrage,pp. 28 - 29,转引同上.
5Fehcia Gordon and Maire Cros,Early French Feminism, 1830-1940: a Passion for Liberty,, Edward Elmir.1996.p. 9.
6Rachel Fuchs, Abandoned Children. Foundlings and Child Welfare in Nineteenth- Century France,Albany,1984.p. 58.
7Boxer and Jean H.Quataert, eds. , Socialist Women: European Socialist Feminism in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries ,New York, 1978,p. 79.
8Louis Brldel,“Le Mouvement féministe et le droit des femme,”Revue sociale politique,3(1893),P.123.转引自Karen Offen,“Depopulation,Nationalism,and Feminism in Fin-de-Siede France”,American Historical Review 89,June l984,p.657.
9J·E·S.Hayward,“The Official Social Philosophy of the French Third Republic:Leon Bourgeois and Solidarism”.International Review of Social History,6(1961),pp.19—48.
10Karen Often,“The Second Sex and the Baccalauréat in Republican France,1880—1924,”French Historical Studies,13(Fall 1983),pp.252—86.