3The White House."2015 National Security Strategy" ,http:// www. whitehouse, gov/sites,/default/files/does/2015_national_se - euri- ty_strategy_2, pdL.
4The White House: "2010 National Security Strategy of the U- nited States", http ://www. whitehouse, gov/sites/default/files/rss vie- wer/national seeuritys strategy, pdf.
6The White House."2015 National Security Strategy" ,http:// www. whitehouse, gov/sites/default/les/docs/2015_national_se - curi- ty strategy_2, pdf.
7Karen De Young, "Security Plan Reiterates Alliances, Val- ues" , The Washington Post, February 7,2015.
8The White House."2015 National Security Strategy" ,http:// www. whitehouse, gov/sites/default/files/docs/2015_national_se - curi- ty_strategy_2, pdf.
9The White House." Remarks by the President at United States Military Academy at West Point Commencement", https ://www. white- house, gov/the - press - office/remarks - president - united - states - military - academy - west - point -commencement.
10The White House: "2010 National Security Strategy of the U- nited States ", http ://www. whitehouse, gov/sites/default/files/rss viewer/national_securitys strategy, pdf.