目的探讨飞船返回着陆时不同强度和不同姿态冲击下人体动态响应的规律。方法 5名健康男青年 ,以仰卧 2 0°,承受 4~ 1 0G、5 0~ 80ms ;仰卧 30°~ 60° ,1 0G、5 0ms,半正弦脉冲的着陆冲击。分别记录冲击塔平台 ,座椅及人体头、肩、胸和髂处的Z和X向加速度及被试者心电图。结果随着陆冲击强度的增加 ,人体头、肩、胸和髂处X向加速度响应值均增大 ;2 0° ,1 0G冲击时 ,头Z向和X向加速度峰值超调量分别为 93%和 1 0 2 % ;随仰卧角度的增加 ,人体头、肩、胸和髂X向加速度响应均下降 ,而头Z向加速度及超调量在 40°仰卧角时最小。结论人体对着陆冲击的传递函数表明 ,人体具有多阶共振频率 ,分别为 2 5Hz、34Hz、39Hz、43Hz、5 0Hz、64Hz和 70Hz。
Objective To study the characteristics of human body dynamic responses to landing impact.Method Five healthy young men were exposed to 4~10 G for 50~80 ms half sine acceleration pulse at 20° supine angle and 10 G for 50 ms impact at 30°~60° supine angles. The acceleration curves on the dropping platform of the impact tower, the seat, the human head, shoulder, chest and ilium, as well as ECG of the subjects were recorded. Result The peaks of acceleration at the subject head, shoulder, chest, and ilium along chest back direction rose with the increase of the impact level. The overshoots of acceleration at the subject head along head ilium direction and chest back direction were 93% and 102% respectively for 10 G at 20° supine angle. With increase of supine angle, acceleration response at the subject along chest back direction decreased. Acceleration response at the subject head along head ilium direction was minimum at 40° supine angle. Conclusion Transfer function of the human body to landing impact demonstrated that human body had a series of resonance frequencies which were 25 Hz, 34 Hz, 39 Hz, 43 Hz, 50 Hz, 64 Hz,and 70 Hz respectively.
Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
Foundationitem :supportedbyNationalFoundationofMannedSpaceProgramme
landing impact
dynamic responses
impact acceleration
supine position