治疗慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF) ,宜在饮食营养和及时纠治加重CRF的可逆因素基础上 ,重视早期应用益肾消中药 ,以治其根本。益肾重在调理肾的阴阳气血 ,消宜消补兼施、痰瘀同治。笔者研制的益肾消组方———复方积雪草(积雪草、桃仁、制大黄、黄芪、当归等) ,经临床和实验研究证实 ,具有抗肾纤维化的作用 ,有利于延缓CRF的进程。
To treat chronic renal failure(CRF),we must base on dietary nutrition and timely correcting the reversible factors worsening CRF and pay much importance to early applying the traditional Chinese drugs of nourishing kidney and resolving stasis to cure the root.Nourishing kidney is mainly to regulate Yinyang Qi blood of kidney,resolving stasis is to resolve and nourish,and treat sputum and stasis in the same time.The author developed the description of nourishing kidney and resolving stasis-centella compound(centella,peach kernal,prepared rhubarb,astragalus,anˉgelica,etc.),which is clinically and experimentally proved to have the function of anti-kidney fibrosis,and can be used to retard CRF.
Journal of Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine