开关电流 (SI)是有望取代开关电容 (SC)的一种新型的取样数据技术 ,鉴于SC技术发展的成熟性及其与SI技术的紧密联系 ,即SC和SI滤波电路具有互易性 ,可采用信号流图转置的方法 ,将SC综合法直接用于SI滤波器设计 ,而无须提出新的设计方法。本文以二阶巴特沃思开关电容带通滤波器为例给出了该方法的具体应用。
The switched-current technique is recently proposed to perform sampled data in analog signal processing. A lot of synthesis methods are currently available for the design of SC filters, as there is an inter-reciprocity relation between SC and SI filter circuits, so the SI filter can be obtainedfrom the transpose of the signal flow graph of an SC filter. A second order butterworth band-pass example is given in this paper.
Microelectronic Technology