自由空间光 (FSO)技术作为地下光纤网的补充 ,在提供“最后 1km”宽带接入方面与其他的固定无线设备相比有很强的竞争力。虽然通过空气传输光信号仍然存在技术上的挑战 ,但是与敷设光纤网相比 ,FSO成本低、安装快捷 ;与安装其他固定无线网络相比 ,FSO还具有高速宽带和无需许可的特点 ,具有非常好的应用前景。
Free-space optics (FSO) technologies are being used to complement fiber in metro optical networks, compete with fixed wireless equipment in providing broadband last-mile access.While there are technical challenges to transmitting optical signals through the air, FSO offers a number of very attractive features - most notably the low cost and rapid deployment speed relative to deploying fiber optic networks, plus the high bandwidth and unlicensed nature of FSO relative to deploying fixed wireless networks.
China Digital Cable TV