十月革命后苏联出现的“同路人”文学标志着当时苏联文学的最高成就 ,鲁迅积极译介“同路人”文学 ,并对这一文学多有论述。鲁迅对“同路人”文学的态度有时也很复杂 ,这与他对中国共产党无产阶级文学的态度相关 ,“同路人”文学的现代主义艺术质素 ,其对陀思妥耶夫斯基心理现实主义艺术的师承 ,是鲁迅亲和“同路人”文学的又一重要原因。
The Soviet 'Fellow Traveler' Literature was a powerful force of literature after October Revolution,which symbolized the top of literary achievement at that time.Through translation and introducing the 'Fellow Traveler' literature with discussion,Lu Xun analyzed its reason of development,characteristic and historical position.Being influenced by Chinese proletariat literature,Lu Xun behaved the complex attitude on the 'Fellow Traveler' Literature.Another important reason of linking Lu Xun with 'Fellow Traveler' Literature is the realistic art characteristic and the Torstoyephski's psychological realistic art carried on.
Journal of Radio & TV University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)