
基于Lamb波的修补后损伤结构健康监测方法的试验研究 被引量:3

Experimental Research on Health Monitoring of Cracked Structure Repaired by Composite Patch Using Lamb Waves
摘要 利用损伤对结构中Lamb波传播特性的影响,对用复合材料补片修补后的金属损伤结构的健康监测方法进行了试验研究。在用复合材料补片对含裂纹的铝合金试件进行修理后,在复合材料补片周围安装了3个压电陶瓷传感器。压电陶瓷传感器在试验中的响应数据被周期性的记录下来。为了描述修补后损伤金属结构的健康状态,定义了3种基于传感器响应数据的损伤指数。试验结果表明,基于波形相关性的损伤指数可更好的描述修补结构的损伤发展过程。研究结论在某型飞机疲劳试验中得到了应用。 The health monitoring of the cracked structure repaired by the composite patch via Lamb wave propagation was investigated. Composite repairs were performed to the cracked specimen. Three piezoelectric sensors were installed around the composite patch. The piezoelectric sensor response was periodically recorded in the fatigue testing. Three types of the damage index based on the piezoelectric sensor response were selected and calculated to describe the health state of the cracked specimen repaired by the composite patch. The results show that the damage index based on the waveform relativity has the best correlations with the expanding process of the damage of repaired specimen. The present monitoring method was successfully applied to test a full scale aircraft structure fatigue.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期1971-1974,共4页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
关键词 复合材料补片 健康监测 LAMB波 压电陶瓷传感器 损伤指数 aircraft calculations design of experiments fatigae of materials piezoeleatric ceramics real time control sensors structural health monitoring surface waves composite patch damage index health monitoring lamb wave piezoelectric sensor
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