In the following, D will denote a finite connected domain in (?) of hyperbolic type; F(D) is the family of f which is analytic and f’≠0 in D; M is the family of M(?)bius transformations. If f∈F(D), we set Tf(z)=f'(z)/f’(z); ||Tf||D=sup[Tf(z)|ρD-1(z), where ρD(z) is the hyperbolic metric of D. Let σ(D)={a:z∈D f∈F(D) and ||Tf||D<a(?)f is univalent in D}; τ(D)={a:f∈F(D), φ∈M and ||Tf—Tφ||D<a(?)f is univalent in D}. Finally, D is said to be a domain