Point-of-care (POC) diagnostics, which aims at continuously measuring and screening dynamic chemical signals in human body, is attracting increasing attention among disease treatment,diagnosis, drug discovery and other biomedical fields (1,2)Recent years have witnessed the booming development of miniaturized,minimal-invasive POC technologies, such as implanted electrochemicalsensors [3,4], paper chips [5,6] and microfluidic devices[7–9]. Among them, microfluidics is one of the most promisingstrategy due to the accurate and user-friendly properties. However,most of the microfluidic POC devices are manually intensive andhighly rely on bulky laboratory equipment such as syringe pumps,external valves and microscopes, which not only limit their applicationsin wearable devices, but also hinder their moving out oflaboratory and into practical use [10,11]. These problems remainunsolved until now.