In order to obtain the law of dynamic responses of vehicle front central collisions on straight tracks, a 3D model composed of a colliding vehicle and moving tracks is developed. The first step is to build the models of the colliding vehicle and the moving tracks. Then, a vector method is presented to address the nonlinear geometry of wheel and rail. The models of the 3D vehicle and the moving tracks are coupled through the nonlinear wheel-rail relation. A simplified model of coupler buffer device is applied to connect vehicle ends with outer systems. Finally, a novel time integration algorithm is used to calculate the results of the 3D dynamic model. The collision scenario that the vehicle impacts a rigid wall at a medium-low speed is studied based on the abovementioned method to obtain the dynamic responses of the vehicle. The results show that the vehicle does not generate lateral movements and roll movements when the vehicle collides without misalignment at medium-low speeds on straight tracks. Lateral wheel-rail forces induced by nonlinear wheel-rail geometry almost have no influence on the dynamic responses of the vehicle. The carbody and wheelsets of the vehicle continuously oscillate in longitudinal direction in the end of the collision. The vertical relative displacements of wheel and rail fluctuate around the quasi-static compression value. The maximum value of wheel rise occurs on the third wheelset.
Journal of Mechanical Engineering