

Case-Control Study of Physical Development Between Low Birth Weight Infants and Normal Birth Weight Infants in Community
摘要 目的探讨低出生体重儿与正常出生体重儿身高和体重的增长情况及增长速率的特点及其差异。方法将在社区卫生服务中心建册并进行系统管理的43例低出生体重儿同以1:2配对的正常出生体重儿体重、身长进行对照研究。结果截至24月龄时,低出生体重组婴儿的体重和身长低于正常出生体重组(P<0.05)。至12月龄时,体重的增速显示:低出生体重组较正常出生体重组快,但差异不具有统计学意义;至24月龄时,身长的增速显示:低出生体重组与正常出生体重组分析结果显示差异呈现阶段性。结论到研究结束月龄止,低出生体重组婴儿的体重和身长值均未赶上正常出生体重组的婴儿,低出生体重组的体重和身长增速呈现阶段性,在12月龄之前较正常出生体重组增速快,12~24月龄增速明显放缓。 Objective To study the height, weight growth and the growth rate between low birth weight infant and normal birth weight infants. Methods Based on the registered information of community health centers, 43 cases of low birth weight infants(LBW) were selected to match 86 selected normal birth weight(NBW) infants with 1:2 ratio. Results At the age of 12 months, the LBW infants gained weight quicker than the NBW infants, but the difference was not statistically significant; however, at age of 24 months, the LBW infants had lower weight and height than the NBW infants did(P<0.05); and the growth rate indicated that the difference between the LBW and NBW infants showed that they were at difference stage of development. Conclusion By the end of the study, the LBW infants did not catch up with the NBW infants in weight and height, and growth rate of LBW infants present stage of development.
作者 韩侠
出处 《健康教育与健康促进》 2016年第2期150-152,共3页 Health Education and Health Promotion
关键词 低出生体重 体格发育 生长速率 赶上生长 Low birth weight Physical development Growth rate Catch-up growth
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