目的了解2016年虹口区控烟环境状况,为该区2017年进一步完善控烟工作提供基础数据。方法采用现场观察的方法,在《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》中规定的14类公共场所中随机选择具有代表性的公共场所开展控烟监测工作。选择人流量较大的时间,以顾客的身份进入现场观察30 min,收集记录相关数据。结果 111个监测点中,有104个张贴了禁烟标识,禁烟标识张贴率为93.7%;仅48个监测点配备了宣传资料,宣传资料配备率为43.2%;69个监测点张贴了警示性图片,警示图片张贴率为62.2%。9个监测点仍设有烟具,10个监测点发现有烟蒂,所占比例分别为8.1%和9.0%。24个监测点发现有人吸烟,所占比例为21.6%,其中15个监测点有人劝阻或执法,劝阻吸烟率为62.5%。设有烟具、发现烟蒂及有人吸烟的监测点主要是餐饮场所和休闲娱乐场所。不同控烟场所控烟执行情况有所不同。结论虹口区监测点的吸烟发生率高于上海市平均水平。公共场所控烟环境需进一步完善,餐饮场所、休闲娱乐场所等公共场所控烟工作执行力度亟待加强。
Objective To understand the tobacco-control monitoring status of Hongkou District in 2016 to provide the basis and reference for further tobacco control in 2017. Methods The method of field observation was adopted to conduct the monitoring in 14 representative public places which were stipulated by 'Tobacco Control Regulation in Public Places of Shanghai'. The investigators went into these places as customers for 30 minutes during peak hours at busy period to gather relevant information. A total of 111 monitoring points were selected to finish the investigation at the end of November in 2016. Results The rates of monitoring points with smoking ban signs, tobacco control materials and warning pictures were 93.7%, 43.2%, and 62.2%, respectively. Nine(8.1%) monitoring points still displayed smoking equipments and 10(9.0%) points were found cigarette butts. Twenty-four monitoring points were observed to have customers or staffs smoking in the public working places and the percentage was 21.6%, in 15 out of these places were observed to have the staffs discouraging the smokers, and the discourage percentage was 62.5%. The dining places and entertainment venues were the main monitoring places where there were smoking equipment and butts, or were found to have people smoking. Conclusion The incidence of smoking in Hongkou District is higher than the citywide average in Shanghai. The tobacco-control environment of public places in Hongkou District needs further improvement. More efforts should be focused on the public places as dining room and entertainment venues.
Health Education and Health Promotion
Public places
Tobacco control