
分体式壁挂机PTC防凝露优化设计研究 被引量:1

Optimization design to prevent condensing on PTC of split air conditioner
摘要 分体壁挂式空调器运行过程中,电辅热器(PTC)上表面会产生凝露水珠,严重时造成室内机出现吹水现象,存在安全隐患。本文通过数值分析和实验,研究了我司PTC凝露问题较严重的某款壁挂机内流场分布。结果发现:蒸发器翅片与贯流风叶所夹三角形区域内空气湿度、流速和温度分布不均,而目前PTC的安装位置刚好处于不同状态气流交汇区域,凝露容易产生;空气流经蒸发器一些部位时除湿不完全,使得进入PTC区域的部分空气湿度过大是导致PTC产生凝露的主要原因。最后通过大量流场分析和凝露实验,设计了PTC的合理安装位置,解决了PTC凝露问题。 There are security risks that vapor condensates on the Positive Temperature Coefficient(PTC) heater during air conditioner working. In this paper, numerical analysis and experiment have been conducted to study the flow field distribution within the air conditioner with severe condensation. The results showed that: the air humidity, temperature and velocity unevenly distributed on the PTC location surrounded by the evaporator fins and tubular blades, which leads to condensation easy to generate. The air is much wet in PTC area for dehumidification incomplete when flowing through the evaporator. This is the main reason that PTC generates condensation. Finally, the reasonable installation location of PTC has been designed to solve the condensation problem by a large number of numerical analysis and experiments.
出处 《家电科技》 2015年第6期47-49,共3页 Journal of Appliance Science & Technology
基金 湖南省自然科学基金(13JJ6082)
关键词 分体式壁挂机 PTC 凝露 数值分析 Split air conditioner PTC Condensation Numerical analysis
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