

A Study on the Effect Exerted by the Educational System in Countries with Different Development Levels for the Economic Growth
摘要 本文基于48个代表性国家的数据建立面板模型,以考察不同发达程度国家的教育系统对经济增长的影响。分析结果显示:总体上看,教育系统对人均GDP的影响显著为正,且教育系统满足市场经济竞争需要的程度增加1个单位将使人均GDP提高0.0111%;具体来看,发达国家的教育系统对人均GDP的影响程度比非发达国家的教育系统对人均GDP的影响程度高0.0097%,这意味着发达国家教育系统对经济增长的贡献显著强于非发达国家。进一步,非发达国家教育系统对人均GDP的影响虽有0.0038%的贡献,但在统计上并不显著,意味着非发达国家教育系统对人均GDP的正向影响有待商榷,这在某种程度上揭示了非发达国家教育系统可能存在一些问题,教育系统不能满足竞争经济的需要。用大学教育替代教育系统重新建模,得到了与初始建模一致的结果,证明结论具有稳健性。结果说明,在期待以教育投入拉动经济增长的政策实践中,必须高度重视教育与经济之间的匹配与平衡,不仅关注教育投入的数量,更要在把脉经济发展形势的基础上,关注教育投入的结构与质量,使得教育真正能够成为有效撬动经济增长的着力点,并最终使教育与经济形成良性循环。 The panel model based on the data of 48 representative countries illustrates that,there is significant difference on the effects exerted by the educational system in developed and non-developed countries for the economic growth. The analysis shows that: generally, the educational system has significantly positive influence on GDP per capita, and one unit improvement of this indicator will lead to the GDP per capita increasing 0. 0111%; specifically,the impact of developed countries' educational system on GDP per capita is 0. 0097% higher than non-developed countries,which means that the contribution of educational system to economic growth in developed countries is stronger than non-developed countries. In addition, the insignificant 0. 0038 shows that the educational system of non-developed countries has no significantly positive influence on GDP per capita,which reveals there may be some problems in the educational system, and the educational system can not meet the needs of competitive economy. Furthermore, the conclusion of building a new panel data model by replacingeducational system with university education is in line with the above results,which attests the model's robustness. Therefore, as for the policies aimed at economic growth fueled by the educational investment, it is necessary to emphasis the balance between the education and economy. The structure and equality of the educational investment based on the specific economic situation is much more important the investment quantity, which may effectively advanced the economic growth as well as forming a virtuous circle between the education and economy.
作者 浦小松
出处 《教育经济评论》 2017年第6期51-64,共14页 China Economics of Education Review
基金 中国教育科学研究院基本科研业务费专项资金所级个人项目"不同发达程度国家教育系统质量对经济增长的作用研究"(GYI2016092)
关键词 发达程度 教育系统 经济增长 虚拟变量 面板数据模型 development level educational system economic growth dummy variable panel data model
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