超声外科吸引器(Cavitron Ultrasonic surgical Aspirator CUSA)是外科手术器械一项重要革新。它利用超声振荡,将要切除的组织粉碎,并经冲洗液乳化负压吸除。1969年,Kelman首先将这种超声刀应用于眼科手术,他称之为晶状体乳化切割器。经过改进,Flamm(1978)
CUSA is a newly developed operative device. It has three actions, namely fragmentation, irrigation and aspiration. Using GUSA, we have operated upon 14 patients with intracranial tumors since March 1985. The results are satisfactory. In the surgical reatment of intracranial tumors, the authors consider that CUSA has several obvious advantages: CUSA selectively pares major vessels; its use reduces damage on nearby issue; and it provides good visibi lity of the operating field.
Academic Journal of Chinese PLA Medical School