非造血系统恶性肿瘤转移至血液系统较少见。有作者将恶性肿瘤转移至骨髓引起的贫血称“骨髓性贫血”,有的将用常规方法在外周血中查到癌细胞称“癌细胞血症”(Cacinocythemia)或“癌细胞白血病”(Carcinoma Cell Leukemia)。
This article reported 13 cases malignant tumor metastasing to hemopoietic system in clinical characteritics of metastasts were bone pain, anemia, fever and hemorrhagic tendency. Spleno-megaly was absent in most of the cases and "dry aspiration" of bone marrow often occured. Laboratory findings include pancytopenia or anemia, associated with thrombocytopenia. Carcinoma cells were found in the peripheral blood and bone marrow. Necrosis or fibrosis of bone marrow was demonstrated under the light microscope.
Academic Journal of Chinese PLA Medical School