颜面播散性粟粒狼疮(Lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei LMDF)在临床上并不少见,一个世纪以来一直认为本病是一种结核性皮肤病,但近40年来对本病提出了质疑。作者自1983年以来采用维甲酸类衍生物维胺酯(Retinamidoester)治疗本病21例。
In this article twenty-one cases of Lupus miliaris disseminated faciei (LMDF) were reported. Retinamidoester, a drug as a retinoid derivative, the dosage of which was calculated on the basis of 1—1.5mg/kg/d, being 25mg tid as a rule. Clinical cure was attained in a course of 3—6 months (4.1 months on the average). Pitting pox-like scars were after healing. The mechanism with respects to the effect of retinamidoester on LMDF was discussed.
Academic Journal of Chinese PLA Medical School