Renlang.Shang-hai Medical Uni-
Continuining medical educa-
tion (CME),as a part of the
medical education continuum,has
greatly developed in the world.In
view of the needs for evaluating
the effectiveness and efficiency
of CME,medical educators and
administrators have paid atten-
tion to the study of CMF,evalua-
The goals of CME evaluation
are to identify whether the par-
ticipants have reached the expec-
ted objectives so as to evaluate
the quality of CME programme
and process.Generally,the CME
evaluation can be divided into
two steps.Firstly,we can evalu-
ate the immediate effectiveness of
CME by measuring the changes in
the participants behaviour afte
completing the CME activities,
including knowledge,skill and
attitude.Secondly,we can assey
the effectiveness and efficienc
of CME by analysing the impact
of professionals who have finished
CME course on their own insti-
tutions.Indeces used to evaluate
the individuals should include
and patient outcome.Usually,
the individuals can be assessed
by examinatons,field observa-
tion and peer review,etc.
The evaluation of the effecti-
veness of CME progamme consists
of the professional activity of
analysis,assessment of the cost
effectiveness and efficiency.The
evaluation of the later part can
be conducted by medical audi-
ting and medical records review-
ing whatever method is adapted,
the evaluation should take into
account the reliability,validi-
ty and objectivity of the measur-
ing techniques.
Continuing Medical Education