
自行车盗窃情境的实证分析——以二线城市H市为例 被引量:2

Empirical Analysis of Bicycle Theft Scenarios——A Case Study of H in second-tier cities
摘要 自行车盗窃是侵财犯罪中比较常见的一种表现,是社会治安的重要内容。本文以H市自行车盗窃案件为切入点,试图对自行车盗窃案件的时间空间等相关社会要素有所认知。基于H市自行车盗窃案的数据资料,走访考察案发地区的社区环境,通过时间要素分析与空间生态分析,以期厘清自行车盗窃案件的相关特征,探讨城市自行车盗窃的时空情境。本文首先介绍H市自行车盗窃的现状,引出城市城市空间生态的相关要素,随后对该区自行车盗窃案件进行时间要素与空间生态要素的解读与分析,最后提出针对时间要素与空间生态要素的相关对策建议。 Bicycle theft is the more common kind of performance of crime of usurpation and is an important part of the social order. Taking H City bicycle thefts as a starting point, trying to bike theft cases related to social factors such as time and space have cognition. Based City-H bike theft data,visits and inspect community environmental to crime areas, through time and space factor analysis of ecological analysis, in order to clarify the relevant characteristics of bicycle theft, theft of a bicycle to explore the city temporal contexts. This paper describes the status quo H City bike theft, leads to relevant elements of urban space, urban ecology of the area and then interpret bicycle thefts and analysis of time and space elements of ecological factors. Finally, proposed related countermeasures recommendations for the time and space elements of ecological factors.
出处 《甘肃警察职业学院学报》 2014年第2期48-53,共6页 Journal of GANSU Police Vocational College
关键词 自行车盗窃 时间分析 空间生态分析 犯罪防控 bicycle theft time analysis Spatial Ecological Analysis Crime Prevention
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