

Model and Application of Higher Education Management Operation Mechanism
摘要 高等教育管理运行机制与教育的内部环境和社会的外部环境密切相关,随着高等教育的全面深化改革,其管理运行机制存在适应性问题。构建管理运行机制模型是研究其特点、发展趋势及适应性问题的基础。高等教育的变革和发展,本质是管理要素"人、事、财、物、信息"权限不断在集中或分散之间进行调整和优化的过程。围绕这些要素借助坐标和向量的概念建立高等教育管理运行机制模型,并将其应用于我国高等的教育的不同阶段,验证其有效性和重要性。 The running mechanism of higher education management is closely related to the internal environment and the external environment of the society, and with the deepening of the reform of higher education, its management and operation mechanism has the adaptability problem. It is the basis of the research on its characteristics, development trend and adaptability to construct the management operation mechanism model. The essence of the reform and development of higher education is the process of the management elements"people, things, money, material, information" to adjust and optimize between concentration and dispersion. Based on the concept of coordinate and vector, this paper establishes a running mechanism model of higher education management, and applies it to the different stages of higher education in China to verify its effectiveness and importance.
作者 李毅
机构地区 昆明理工大学
出处 《价值工程》 2016年第16期242-244,共3页 Value Engineering
基金 中共云南省委高校工委党建特别委托项目研究基金"优化云南省高校院级党政联席会议制度运行机制的研究"(KKSTJ201613010)
关键词 高等教育 管理运行机制 模式选择 模型构建 模型应用 higher education management operation mechanism model selection model construction model application
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